Fishing With Hawg
Welcome to the misadventures of Hawgmaster! Come on in and meet the gang as Ole Hawgmaster takes you on one of his adventures. Laugh and cry as he retells some of the most halarious stories. You'll meet his friends and family like:
Bonnie Sue, his cornfed wife, favorite song is McDonald's "You want fries with that?"...Red Devil, butt tooten brother-in-law,...Officer "Donut", city cop thats always there at the wrong time,... Bubba Boys, backhills fisherman (hummen the theme from "Deliverance" ... Gump, Canada's own version of Pee Wee Herman,...Bass Bandit, Hugh Hefner wanna be,...Ed the Mercinary, when city meets the country WW3 begins and Ed started it... DragonLady, fishing lady and book writer, "Fun with bread and Toxions" ...Timberwolf, Peurina puppy chow's spokesman of the year,...Iceman2, comes from where ice is 20ft thick and polar bears run scared,...Batfish, lives in the hills aint got no bills,...Legolady, got so many kids, toy stores use her house as a test site. Granny8, she must be related to Outlaw Jossie Wells cause she is a deadeye come to spittin.
And many more...Maybe YOU!
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